Become an EcoVolt Dealer
EcoVolt performed, and independent third parties repeated, fitment assessments using EcoVolt’s dynamic product mix based upon international sized boxes together with U.S. sized boxes on all automobile models sold in the United States over the last 10 years. The result is a reduction from over 80 battery types to only 21 EcoSmart types to meet a majority of consumer demand.
With EcoSmart Battery inventory:
Save over 50% in inventory costs – Service over 99% of all vehicles on the road today.
Save over 50% in inventory costs – Service over 99% of all vehicles on the road today.
Very low storage footprint – Compare our 21 sku’s against their 47 service offerings for the same customer coverage.
Faster inventory turns means more margin and profits
Dealer Contact Form
EcoVolt Power Corp strives to provide the best service possible with every contact!